Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's 2009 Still...but the future is near!!!!

I am here to give one last effort at losing the weight. It HAS TO HAPPEN THIS TIME!!! I am starting to feel the weight that I have gained. My knees hurt. My back hurts. I can not go up a flight of stairs without nearly passing out.
I used to be this big and still could do things. That time has come and gone. I am up against it now. I have reached a very important time in my life.


2010 MUST EQUAL 1998!!! Any guesses? Well I am vowing...and yes I have said it before...and I HAVE MEANT IT BEFORE...but I am re-vowing to get down the weight that I weighed in 1998. 275 pounds. I know it seems like a high goal...but it is just the first goal...and it will make a world of difference.

I am doing this for my wife, and my sons.....but most importantly I am doing this for myself!!!